Week 5
Poetry poetry poetry! This is week 5 the week of poetry Monday’s class professor had us all make a video documentation of what we think about when we think about poetry. I said I think of weird people who are socially awkward reading poems that make you uncomfortable. I guess I just had a bad experience with poets… I have no valid explanation for this judgment. Sorry all you poets! I also disliked poems I didn’t understand and that were challenging to read or comprehend its intended meaning.
What did I learn?
I learned I can relate my life to poetry more than I thought
I learned just how many literary elements take part in creating a unique poem (idiom, coinage, inversion, ellipsis, syntax, transferred epithet) I could go on for days.
I learned that I don’t really understand the different rhyme schemes ( AABB, ABAB, ect.)
I learned to have fun creating a ballad even though it didn’t fit a proper rhyme scheme
I learned to relate poetry to the poet’s life not just analyze their work based on my own experiences.
MOST IMPORTANTLY I learned to look at poetry in a different light
What did I do?
I read poems… I reread the poems…I read them again and again. Still nothing sometimes you just never fully get the raw meaning of a poem. BUT I found out that is half the fun of making your own poem no one ever has to know what is truly on your mind. So in our in class activity to create a poem from a news paper article, I took a chance and created a poem that was deeper much deeper then the words written. Best of all I actually enjoyed it. Imagine that I had fun in class=) just kidding professor I always have fun in lit class!
How did I feel about what I learned, what I did and how I felt about what I learned and did?
After week 5 I felt great! I had a new respect for poetry, I enjoyed the in class activity, and I even didn’t m
ind writing my own ballad. I generally feel leaning about poetry is dreadful....because I don’t understand it. After the free write journal entry in which a poem was read to us that talked about humanity disliking things “we” don’t understand. Luckily the drop box was not working that day so I had to e-mail my assignment and I found it under my sent box so I would like to share my initial reactions instead of trying to recall them like I have been doing in the past blog posts.
....Here it is enjoy!
_The poem read aloud involved disliking things we (humanity) don’t understand. I find that to be so true in every aspect of life. If one stops to think about the origin of their thoughts most times you would be surprised as to how you got to the end result. Not understanding something I feel irritates us because we I feel were created to learn and try to figure out why things are the way they are. We are designed to ask questions and to conclude or find an ending point. “Raw” that word can describe so many aspects of life as well. I find that the act of being raw means to me to have endless opportunities. It can be shaped experimented with or changed.
Poetry poetry poetry! This is week 5 the week of poetry Monday’s class professor had us all make a video documentation of what we think about when we think about poetry. I said I think of weird people who are socially awkward reading poems that make you uncomfortable. I guess I just had a bad experience with poets… I have no valid explanation for this judgment. Sorry all you poets! I also disliked poems I didn’t understand and that were challenging to read or comprehend its intended meaning.
What did I learn?
I learned I can relate my life to poetry more than I thought
I learned just how many literary elements take part in creating a unique poem (idiom, coinage, inversion, ellipsis, syntax, transferred epithet) I could go on for days.
I learned that I don’t really understand the different rhyme schemes ( AABB, ABAB, ect.)
I learned to have fun creating a ballad even though it didn’t fit a proper rhyme scheme
I learned to relate poetry to the poet’s life not just analyze their work based on my own experiences.
MOST IMPORTANTLY I learned to look at poetry in a different light
What did I do?
I read poems… I reread the poems…I read them again and again. Still nothing sometimes you just never fully get the raw meaning of a poem. BUT I found out that is half the fun of making your own poem no one ever has to know what is truly on your mind. So in our in class activity to create a poem from a news paper article, I took a chance and created a poem that was deeper much deeper then the words written. Best of all I actually enjoyed it. Imagine that I had fun in class=) just kidding professor I always have fun in lit class!
How did I feel about what I learned, what I did and how I felt about what I learned and did?
After week 5 I felt great! I had a new respect for poetry, I enjoyed the in class activity, and I even didn’t m
....Here it is enjoy!
_The poem read aloud involved disliking things we (humanity) don’t understand. I find that to be so true in every aspect of life. If one stops to think about the origin of their thoughts most times you would be surprised as to how you got to the end result. Not understanding something I feel irritates us because we I feel were created to learn and try to figure out why things are the way they are. We are designed to ask questions and to conclude or find an ending point. “Raw” that word can describe so many aspects of life as well. I find that the act of being raw means to me to have endless opportunities. It can be shaped experimented with or changed.
Again, Emily, your last lines are POWs..."“Raw” that word can describe so many aspects of life as well. I find that the act of being raw means to me to have endless opportunities. It can be shaped experimented with or changed."