Learning about theme+ rough drafts + bio test = the death of me! Week three oh boy where to start…. guess we will start with learning about theme “The Red Convertible” I actually enjoyed reading this pass
age. I could really relate to it because my cousin went to war and when he came back he wasn’t the same. My rough draft was not pretty; hopefully my next paper will turn out a little better, and I won’t have to rewrite it 20 times=/
What did I learn?
Well where to start… mainly I learned the most when it came to composing a paper and following directions. Since the Wednesday was when our first draft was due I decided to do it early because I had a HUGE bio test to study for the day before. So the day we got the assignment I started my paper. When I first read the assignment I thought, great I can write it on my grandfather and his life’s work as a trauma surgeon. Then I over analyzed what the assignment was looking for and changed my topic to Clara Barton after I wrote my outline and everything. Moral of the story is… once again READ CAREFULLY!!!
What did I do?
Where to start with this week! After I wrote my outline I realized I did the assignment wrong, so I thought when in actuality I could have just written about my grandpa. So what I ended up doing was changing my topic to Clara Barton. Then I proceeded to research her life’s story, and compose a research paper that was pretty much like a detailed time line. Once I had completed my entire paper in one night I then received an email a few days later from professor Bolduc-Simpson letting me know that she loved my idea BUT….. I needed to choose one of Clara’s stories and create a paper that had a creative plot with rising, falling action, climax, and resolution; my paper lacked all of these elements. I didn’t have time to revise it before the due date, did I mention I forgot to complete the self assessment. Needless to say my grade on my rough draft was not so hot…
How did I feel about what I learned, what I did and how I felt about what I learned and did?

This week I felt miserable that I literally did not do anything right! I was so worn out from the previous weekends study session (for my bio exam) I was unable to comprehend any sort of written directions. Next time around I will defiantly ask if I am unsure of anything and wait for verbal instructions if I don’t understand something before trying to get it out of the way. I need to schedule my time better so I don’t feel pressured to complete an assignment. I thought that by getting it done early would give me extra time to fix any mistakes, but really it in the end screwed me over.

What did I learn?
Well where to start… mainly I learned the most when it came to composing a paper and following directions. Since the Wednesday was when our first draft was due I decided to do it early because I had a HUGE bio test to study for the day before. So the day we got the assignment I started my paper. When I first read the assignment I thought, great I can write it on my grandfather and his life’s work as a trauma surgeon. Then I over analyzed what the assignment was looking for and changed my topic to Clara Barton after I wrote my outline and everything. Moral of the story is… once again READ CAREFULLY!!!
What did I do?
Where to start with this week! After I wrote my outline I realized I did the assignment wrong, so I thought when in actuality I could have just written about my grandpa. So what I ended up doing was changing my topic to Clara Barton. Then I proceeded to research her life’s story, and compose a research paper that was pretty much like a detailed time line. Once I had completed my entire paper in one night I then received an email a few days later from professor Bolduc-Simpson letting me know that she loved my idea BUT….. I needed to choose one of Clara’s stories and create a paper that had a creative plot with rising, falling action, climax, and resolution; my paper lacked all of these elements. I didn’t have time to revise it before the due date, did I mention I forgot to complete the self assessment. Needless to say my grade on my rough draft was not so hot…
How did I feel about what I learned, what I did and how I felt about what I learned and did?
This week I felt miserable that I literally did not do anything right! I was so worn out from the previous weekends study session (for my bio exam) I was unable to comprehend any sort of written directions. Next time around I will defiantly ask if I am unsure of anything and wait for verbal instructions if I don’t understand something before trying to get it out of the way. I need to schedule my time better so I don’t feel pressured to complete an assignment. I thought that by getting it done early would give me extra time to fix any mistakes, but really it in the end screwed me over.
And don't forget to post things in the Anything Else Cafe. You are doing really well, you over achiever...hang in there...love your pics!!